Quick & Easy Prawn Roll Recipe: How to Make Delicious Prawn Rolls at Home

Toasted brioche rolls with generous servings of delicious prawn rolls with seafood sauce

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This easy and delicious prawn brioche roll comes together in 15 mins

One weekend ago, my family and I went to Warner’s Bay to enjoy the lake and have a change of scenery. I love, loooove the ocean, don’t get me wrong, but there is something about the lake that intrigues me. I stare at it and I’m filled with curiousity – it’s so still and silent, and it fills my heart with peace. The ocean lets you know how it feels, but the lake remains calm and placid. It’s two entirely different things but both have so much power to ground us. 

Toasted brioche rolls with generous servings of delicious prawn rolls with seafood sauce

Quick and easy Prawn Roll recipe

There are amazing parks all over Lake Macquarie, but we decided to go for the big one right across the lake. To our luck, there are also tons of amazing restaurants, cafes, and fish and chipperies near it so we weren’t short of choices. This is truly what gets me excited to go out for the weekend – you learn and eat something new every week! That day, we were in the mood for seafood and I was in the mood for a good prawn roll. Luckily, the fish and chippery had it and my god – I was blown away! It was simple yet so delicious and when we went home, I still couldn’t get my mind off of it. I needed to have it again! I look in our fridge and there it was – some peeled prawns, brioche buns, and seafood sauce. I immediately got to work! 

This easy prawn roll recipe is quick, delicious, and so low effort. For the sauce, I decided to use store-bought because I wanted to eat (lol) already and keep the prep to minimal effort (next time I will make it from scratch!).  


  • 500g of prawns
  • Seafood sauce – I used Praise
  • 2 lemon wedges
  • Brioche hotdog buns
  • Green onion 
  • Butter lettuce (or a salad mix)
  • Butter


1. Boil your prawns for 3 minutes. When cooked, chop them into chunky pieces and set aside. 

2. Heat up a pan on low. While that’s heating, cut the sides of your brioche hotdog buns. Once cut, slather some butter on the sides and toast it on the pan (buttered sides). 

3. Take the shrimp and put your desired amount of sauce on it. Take the lemon wedges and squeeze onto the shrimp. Put a dash of salt and white pepper in there. Mix well.

4. Assemble. Put your salad/lettuce in first then scoop a generous amount of the shrimp cocktail in. Chop your green onions finely and put a good amount on top. 

5. Plate the rolls and serve with a side of lemon wedge. Enjoy!

Prawns in seafood sauce in a delicious brioche bun on a plate
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