Hi everyone! How are you all? To anyone who reads this blog – thank you for sticking around! Sorry I disappeared without a trace; life happened and I needed to get my and my family’s ducks in a row to try and navigate a new and fun chapter for us. Everything is good though! We’re healthy, my daughter is growing up so fast, I have a new day job and life is overall just beautiful.
I have to admit, the amount of times I attempted to sit down and write a post on here is too many to count (an embarrassing amount). One of the things I promised to myself as I navigate the online world is to not overthink it. To say I have missed this humble space of mine is an understatement! And I’m excited and keen to get back into it. I have so many fresh and yummy food lined up for you all.
Here are some snippets of whats been happening and the food I’ve been eating lately:

For more real time updates, follow me on instagram if you life 🙂 My handle is @freshsaturdays. I love receiving nice messages too! Shoot me an email at freshsaturdaysblog@gmail.com 🙂
Have a great day <3